
I love you my handsome cuddle bug, my love bug. Happy Birthday to you. Thank you for choosing me.

“Good” Morning

Today I’m surrounded by sadness. It’s a deep thought-out sadness that runs through every aspect of my life. From the worldwide scale all the way down to the family tragedies that are currently happening in my world, this sadness is hard to shake. Each of us goes through periods in our life where, “When it rains, it pours;” where we’re afraid if we hear one more ounce of bad news, we might break.

Where were you?

Economics class, senior year. Last night I asked my husband where he was. He was in that same class. I never knew it until that moment last night in bed as we said good night and our “I love you”s. (We weren’t in the same circle of friends in high school, and only really connected…

Our Honeymoon Was In Jamaica

There aren’t many memories of which allow me such emotion or such crispness as if I was there all over again.  But this particular night swept me up and created that vivid memory so that on this day, almost three years later, I am able to remember every detail.


The day I said I would be your girlfriend 12 years ago today, was the best decision I ever made.

Just Us

As I do with all our anniversaries, I was thinking about what I most enjoy about our lives, and what I’m most thankful for.  After twelve years together there’s an endless amount of things I’m thankful for but the one thing that kept coming to mind, was perhaps quite boring, but it just what kept making me smile.